Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Retablo Shadowbox

I finally finished the shadowbox for Charlotte. It was tremendously fun to make - I tried to incorporate so much into the box - Charlotte as an angel with pink feather and glazed tin wings. Charlotte, regal and royal on a purple screen (retablo) with gold lattice. Charlotte (or is it the big brown bunny) with the silver footprints in the snow - you can't see the g;littering footprints in the photo but they are there. There are even some of Charlotte's ashes in that little tiny glass bottle next to her picture -with a silk forget-me-not plugging up the opening.
Henry and Josephine on the bottom - with food, hay, water, apples, strawberries and carrots - I still need to add a bell for Charlotte to play with and some shredded newspaper. I ended up not including the candles and flowers, as well as the sugared skulls. It would have been too much. I like it this way. I like the textures and three dimensionality of it. Fun to step out of the box. Soothing to celebrate Charlotte.

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