Saturday, January 26, 2008

Charlotte Angel

Charlotte moved from the studio to the family room on Tuesday - decided that she wanted to sleep on the rug in there by the sofa. So I left the door open so she could back back and forth. On Wednesday she spent all day in there. She has been so loving, letting me hold her and love her, closing her eyes as I kissed her and rubbed her beautiful nose. She relaxed, didn't bite. It wasn't like her, but I thought she had just mellowed. Daisy made a huge bunny feast for her Wednesday night - Lettuce and Apples and Carrots and applesauce, a special bowl of water and a huge pile of hay all by the sofa where she was sitting. She ate all the fresh food.

We came down Thursday morning and she was lying down, very floppy, I picked her up and her left eye was bulging and lifeless, her right was slightly closed, she had shallow breaths. I held her and Dan held her, patting her, we were going to take her to the vet, but then she started to seize, we were patting her and loving her as she slowly took her last breaths and the movement of her lovely fur stopped. Henry and Josephine are very sad about it. We are all sad about it. It wasn't supposed to happen. Was it Pasteurella? Cunniculi? Spinal Injury? Stroke? I don't know. We will put her ashes in the shade garden by t he bleeding heart where she liked to hang out when we took the bunnies outside in the summer.
See the picture where Charlotte has her arm (paw) around Josephine? She was so loving. Such a mother bunny to Henry and Josephine. Daisy and I took a nap with the bunnies in Daisy's bed today. They are not eating much. They are sad.

There was a bunny in the snow outside our back door last week. It was so weird. We had bunny tracks going in a circle by the back door. No apparent beginning or end. I haven't seen bunny tracks for a few years. Haven't seen them since. Maybe Charlotte had a visitor.

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