Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Matisse Project

The assignment was to paint a room, and a scene based on a Matisse study - I chose his family portrait (you know, the one where the boys are playing checkers?) Well - it grew and grew and I spent most of the summer Monday morning painting classes working on it - It turned out ok! I love how personal it is - Dan with his striped socks beneath his father's portrait and the Myopia Cigar ashtray - Daisy with Sohpie - when she was still small! George working on Legos and me, writing, drawing, watching. The Goldfinches are eating the sunflower seeds outside the window. Only Tally is aware of the viewer outside of the frame.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Breakfast with the Birds

My art class is going well - our homework for week two was to paint from a black and white copy of a Gabriel Munter painting using only primary and secondary colors - no browns or muted colors (so if the hair or tree is brown, well -wht other color could it be?) This was a really fun excercise - like a coloring book for grown ups! I decided the woman at the table should have long hair instead of short. It makes me want to paint my own version of "Breakfast with the Birds". Oddly enough - I got the curtain color dead on from Munter's without seeing it. I saw more birds than she included. What can I say?

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Sophia Tasha Flopsy Daffodil

We call her Sophie for short. She is divine. She came home with us a week ago Sunday from a New England Regional Rabbit Show held in Taunton Massachusetts. We went early Sunday, expecting to just LOOK at Rabbits and, well, we (I?) couldn't resist and she came home. rode home the 2 1/2 hour car ride snuggled on my lap. She is the most snuggly floppy lovely bunny I have ever met. She loves to snuggle. Will stay in your arms for hours. Her tummy is soft and warm like a puppy's and has that wonderful puppt fullness and roundness. Her fur is like , well, baby bunny fur! She is only 3 months old. Weighs 5 1/2 pounds. Will grow to 14 pounds (that's even bigge rthan Charlotte!). She is truly a gentle giant. Henrey doesn't seem to mind he rbut Josephine thinks it was a bad idea. Hopefully this will change in time. I have them taking turns being out and about. She is very clean in her litter box habits! Check out those hoppers and fur. She is amazing. I love her so much. She makes my heart ache in a good way. Like the grinch, my heart grows exponentially when I am holding her. Yum.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Retablo Shadowbox

I finally finished the shadowbox for Charlotte. It was tremendously fun to make - I tried to incorporate so much into the box - Charlotte as an angel with pink feather and glazed tin wings. Charlotte, regal and royal on a purple screen (retablo) with gold lattice. Charlotte (or is it the big brown bunny) with the silver footprints in the snow - you can't see the g;littering footprints in the photo but they are there. There are even some of Charlotte's ashes in that little tiny glass bottle next to her picture -with a silk forget-me-not plugging up the opening.
Henry and Josephine on the bottom - with food, hay, water, apples, strawberries and carrots - I still need to add a bell for Charlotte to play with and some shredded newspaper. I ended up not including the candles and flowers, as well as the sugared skulls. It would have been too much. I like it this way. I like the textures and three dimensionality of it. Fun to step out of the box. Soothing to celebrate Charlotte.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

India Inks

Searching for Bandhini skirts on the internet. I came across the photo from a factory in India. The dyes are incredible. I could almost eat them. I want to ingest them - play with them, run my fingers through them. It is like sand art for grown ups.

I found these incredible ghanra choli - it makes me want to have a party to go to! I think Saris and tradtitional Indian clothing are so feminine. The colors are breathtaking. Wouldn't it be fun to dress like that every day.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Shrines & Retablos

I have been obsessing all day about shrines and retablos. Not in the sense of an altar to the Bunny Goddess Charlotte- but more of a memorial to her - a Dios dos Meurtos kind of things with elements that celebrate her. I have found some incredible peruvian ones on line. The Jiminez family does incredible ones. I would love to save up for one - a reward for a job well done? Which job? I was rewarded already for the Dotson project with my Ebay Oilily sweater. Maybe after I finish helping out Diane in Cambridge with her guestroom and dressing room.

I found this website/blog from a woman that does the most amazing altered books (altAred books?) - again - like Retablos, but with different found objects. maybe I'll do something like that.

Then, someday, I would like to make one for the real focus of prayer. Maybe a garden grotto too. Not Mary on the half shell or Francis with the bird seed. I wil have to think about how to do that one. I learned so much about diferent shrines when researching on the internet - the difference between Zen, Budhist, Tibetan shrines and altars. It is comforting to think of some sort of Altar where you can focus and meditate.

For now I will make a Charlotte retablo and work on an altar later!


I am bursting with ideas today! Actually, have been for a couple weeks- but it has reached a crescendo of sleepless nights dreaming in primary colors a la Gabriele Munter and Matisse. I started taking a painting class with Valerie McCaffery http://www.valeriemccaffrey.com/ at her "Garage SChool of Art" in Beverly Farms. The serendipity connection to Valerie is subject to an entirely different post which I will write about another day when there isn't so much to say. Anyway - I can hardly contain myself. Truly feel like hyperventilating with so many ideas bursting in my brain. I want to do them ALL at once and am writing them down, sketching them, googling them and dreaming of them as fast as I can! where to begin?

I finished the Dotson main painting prject which has taken up the first 6 weeks of this year. A fabulous job- I will sorely miss them - I wish I ha dgotten to know them more before they were moving ACROSS the country. The freedom I was given to create was incredible. I finished the table Suday night. Shellaced Monday and Tuesday and they took it away today. Here is a picture of it - I will put multiple detailed pictures of it on my www.dancingrabbit.blogspot.com page. Anyway - My studio is relatively empty now - a far cry from two siz foot cabinets and an 8 foot table. I spent the day yesterday re-organizing my studio - putting everything in a semblance of order .I feel that I am taking ownership of it now. It is legitimate so I can truly make it work swimmingly. It is amazing how creative you feel when all your materials are tucked neatly away where you KNOW where tey all are and therefore they are not goingto be hard to find. It unleashes the juices!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Peacable Kingdom

The bunnies seem to be doing pretty well since Charlotte went to heaven. Gentle Rufus with Henry - he loves the rabbits so much. We are giving them more treats and attention than ever before and it is keeping their spiris up! Josephine will come hopping over if I shake a bag with treats and they love their special daily salads of basil, dill, lettuce, carrots and kale or brocoli.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Charlotte Angel

Charlotte moved from the studio to the family room on Tuesday - decided that she wanted to sleep on the rug in there by the sofa. So I left the door open so she could back back and forth. On Wednesday she spent all day in there. She has been so loving, letting me hold her and love her, closing her eyes as I kissed her and rubbed her beautiful nose. She relaxed, didn't bite. It wasn't like her, but I thought she had just mellowed. Daisy made a huge bunny feast for her Wednesday night - Lettuce and Apples and Carrots and applesauce, a special bowl of water and a huge pile of hay all by the sofa where she was sitting. She ate all the fresh food.

We came down Thursday morning and she was lying down, very floppy, I picked her up and her left eye was bulging and lifeless, her right was slightly closed, she had shallow breaths. I held her and Dan held her, patting her, we were going to take her to the vet, but then she started to seize, we were patting her and loving her as she slowly took her last breaths and the movement of her lovely fur stopped. Henry and Josephine are very sad about it. We are all sad about it. It wasn't supposed to happen. Was it Pasteurella? Cunniculi? Spinal Injury? Stroke? I don't know. We will put her ashes in the shade garden by t he bleeding heart where she liked to hang out when we took the bunnies outside in the summer.
See the picture where Charlotte has her arm (paw) around Josephine? She was so loving. Such a mother bunny to Henry and Josephine. Daisy and I took a nap with the bunnies in Daisy's bed today. They are not eating much. They are sad.

There was a bunny in the snow outside our back door last week. It was so weird. We had bunny tracks going in a circle by the back door. No apparent beginning or end. I haven't seen bunny tracks for a few years. Haven't seen them since. Maybe Charlotte had a visitor.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Rabbit Love is Contagious

All the rabbits are grooming each other. Dan and George had a Daddy/George day today and went to the boat show and the lego store together. George was so excited all week to do this. They were going to go toLaser Quest too but they were all booked. Daisy is off to a party with Lauren. All dressed up. I put makeup on her beautiful face. It was fun to help her get ready.
I am painting all day, listening to a download book fromthe library about Complaint-Free Living. I can do that. Life is good - even with obstacles it is very very good. The bunnies are in love. They clean each other all day long, and drape over and under each other. Charlotte gets her long logn ears just right, one over Henry, one over Josephine. Touching, a chain of soft fur. They squeak when they sleep. I love to watch Josephine's doolap fluff out. Henry his his little feet sticking out behind him. All this bunny loves rubs off on me. I am grateful. For so much - Charlotte is better these days, and we have such an abundance of good around us.

Friday, January 11, 2008

New Beginnings

Today I am starting a new blog. More blog-like than catalogue of painted furniture (that's the dancingrabbit blog). I will pretend that it is January 1 not 11. Just take away a 1. That is neater and feels better. This will be morning pages not written with pen and paper, but typed. I hope Julia Cameron doesn't mind. Today I am working on The painted cabinets. I almost through with the second and will then shellac them. They are to be picked up Sunday in a truck. Tomorrow a bureau and assorted chairs are coming. I am busy. This is good. I amgrateful for all this business because it is exactly where I want to be. Painting in my studio wit hthe rabbits and dogs shuffling and hopping about. Waiting for the children to come off the bus at 3. Listening to rain fall on the roof. Listening to Annie Lamott books on tape. Life is good. Very very good. This is Diana and John's t.v. cabinet. We went for the german folk painting look with four seasons including them in favorite pursuits.